and foreign state papers, 1912, Vol. 105, London - Foreign Office, 1915,
page 992.
of King Nicholas to the Montenegrin People on Assuming the Title of King
my beloved people:
The representatives of the nation, as interpreters of your ideas and feelings,
and wishing to crown the fiftieth anniversary of my reign by an act which
will reward my good people for their long struggles, their courage, their
sacrifices and heroic deeds, and considering the glorious past of our country,
which gave the first powerful and recognized King to a Serbian land [1],
have, in their session of today, unanimously voted a proposal that this
ancient Kingdom should be restored, and that I should receive the dignity
of King.
After accepting this proposal of the National Assembly and sanctioning it by
my signature, in the name of God I proclaim our country a kingdom, and
myself by the Divine grace Hereditary King of Montenegro.
In informing my beloved people of this, I invoke the Divine blessing on our
land, and I pray All-powerful God to bless our country, so that this act
may be for the happiness, glory, and greatness of Montenegro.
Given in our capital of Cetinje on Great St. Mary's feast day (28th August) 1910.
Nicholas I
of Serb Land of Montenegro - [1]
Serbian sentence ...koja je dala Srpstvu prvu mocnu i priznatu kraljevinu...
= Serbdom] rather could be translated like ...which gave Serbdom the
first powerful and recognized King...