Although on the Internet only since June 1999, Serb Land of Montenegro
became the prime and often the unique source and guide through Montenegrin
history and culture recommended and quoted by
Dr Slavenko Terzic, Director of Historical Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
History Channel
Encyclopaedia Britannica
University of Viriginia, Slavic Department
Ghent University Slavists
San Jose State University, English Department
University of North Carolina, Department of Philosophy and Religion
DVH - Et CTU projekt, Aarhus Universitet
Professor Susov, Department of General Linguistics and Classical Languages, University of Tver
University of Tokyo, Association for East European Studies
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Library Gateway
Virginia Tech University Libraries
Institute for Global Communications
Historical Text Archive
History Seek!
Virtual Public Library
ANSA - Italian Press Agency
Radio Canada
World News Network - Balkanpost
The Centre for Peace in the Balkans
Truth in Media
Eone Greek News
Deutsche Suedost Media
Russian Allnews
Rizzoli-Corriere della Sera's Musiche dal Mondo
of Montenegro and the Littoral
Project Rastko
Royal Portail
World Skip
and many more. Serb Land of Montenegro recommends all mentioned links.