Prince Danilo Petrovic Njegos
established in 1855.
Paragraph 92.
Although there
is no other nationality in this land except Serb nationality and no other
religion except Eastern Orthodoxy, each foreigner and each person of different
faith can live here and enjoy the same freedom and the same domestic right
as Montenegrin or Highlander.
the letter to Serbian prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, in April 1856, prince
Danilo expresses his gratitude on textbooks sent from Serbia:
"This deed serves
like a pledge for new and strong brotherhood, which will be base for our
future brotherly agreement and base for better future happiness of our
homogenous Serb nation. Montenegrin prince has, in his heart, carved sense
of love and devotion not only towards his people, but towards entire Serbdom
and everything named and called - Serb."
the letter to Napoleon III from late May 1856 prince Danilo says about Turkish oppression:
"To enslave us to them by through famine,
they wrenched Serb lands, wrested Serb seas; only rocks remain to us and a heart that will never prostrate."
CODE OF DANILO - full text in Serbian